Rumson Recreation at Home
Monday, March 23, 2020
Good Afternoon Parents,
We, here at Rumson Recreation, want to share some ideas to help our community get through this unprecedented time.
Now that most of us are home bound due to school closures and workplace restrictions, we would like to provide some suggestions to help families live within the world of social distancing.
On the bright side, these restrictions have provided an opportunity to spend quality time as a family. For some this may be a welcoming predicament; however, for others, it may not be so easy.
As we dive deeper into our self quarantines and government restrictions, we are planning on sending out some suggestions on a weekly basis to help those in need.
If you are one those that has it figured out and can provide some suggestions that might help, by all means, please reach out.
Follow us on social media as well, TWITTER and FACEBOOK , to catch some other activities and details from Rumson Recreation.
We wish everyone good health both physical and mental!
Now that we’re all stuck at home, it’s more important than ever to eat healthy. It’s hard to keep the kids from eating the unhealthy snacks (Girls Scout Cookies are my vice!). Smoothies are a quick, easy way to keep the fruits and vegetables in the daily routine. Here is a great list of options. Smoothie Recipes Your Kids Will Love -
Let the kids help make dinner! The sooner they learn how to help in the kitchen, the better it is for everyone, so why not start now. Teach them how to measure ingredients, if they are old enough, have them cut vegetables and consider showing them how to use the stove and oven properly. Here is a link for kid friendly meals. Cooking with Kids -
Being stuck in the house is not what most people want to do now with the weather becoming nicer by the day. It’s also hugely important to maintain your health during this outbreak. Instead of live streaming your workouts, try to take the family for a hike or get out for a bike ride together.
Of course we have Meadow Ridge Park and Fair Haven Fields right down the road but how about exploring what the Monmouth County Parks System has right over the Oceanic Bridge! Huber Woods and Hartshorne Woods Parks offer some longer distance hikes with some challenging terrain. You can also bring the bikes and ride the main trails. Be careful of the elevations, you might find it hard to pedal back up those hills!
Find the trail maps here and discover other local county parks using this link.
For those of you that plant your own vegetable gardens, it’s time to weed and turn that garden bed. I don’t suggest running to your local nursery store or garden center, but if you are ready to plant your early spring greens, now is the perfect time for arugula and spinach.
Have the kids help! This is another opportunity to get them outside and to spend some time with you. Here is a great link on planting some early spring vegetables. The Homestead Garden.
If you’re not the gardening type but want to get outside in the yard, pick up those sticks! Now is the time to do your spring cleanup. Make a game of it… who can get the most sticks, who can fill up the leaf barrel the quickest, etc. Anyway to get those gamers off the electronics, even for a little bit, will go a long way to keeping them healthy.
Remember the town has some policies regarding what can go to the curb for brush and grass pick up:
Brush is picked up loose at curbside January 1 – October 15. No collection after October 15. Do not bag brush. Please separate brush from any leaves. Brush and limbs only; cut into four (4) foot lengths. No more than 5 cubic yards at one time. No logs, stumps, sod, dirt, or tree contractor debris.
There is no grass collection in Rumson. We subscribe to a "cut it and leave it" philosophy. This saves money and contributes to the environment.
Not every day is going to be nice enough to go outside so here are some ideas for those rainy, cold spring days.
Rearrange a room! You know you liked doing this as kid, so did I! Help the kids lay out how they can move the furniture in their bedrooms. It’s a welcome distraction to what’s going on outside of the home.
Give them a tape measure and have them figure out how their bed, dressers, nights stands, etc will fit in their rooms.
Lay out the room on paper and calculate the total square footage of the room and go piece by piece to make it fit on the paper. If they’re like me start moving things and figure it out as you go!
If that’s too easy, paint it! Take on a room to paint this weekend. Again not suggesting running off to the paint supply store, they are open, but if you have the supplies get after it! What else do have to do this weekend and is there a rush to get it done, not really. Let those kids help, here some suggestions on proper painting techniques if you’re not that experienced.
How to paint a room like a pro ... according to the pros themselves -
How about taking on cleaning out the garage! Time to organize all the stuff that just got left there over during the winter months. Here are some great tips for cleaning and ideas for storage.
Tips for Getting Your Garage Clean and Organized -
If you happen across some recreation gear drop it off in the front lobby of Rumson Borough Hall when time permits.
Of course there is that time at night, after dinner and when everyone is exhausted from all the fun you had during the day light hours, what then?
How about a card game with the whole family. Dust off those playing cards. Probably best to leave the gambling games for when you can get back to your men’s only nights! Here some ideas for the entire family to enjoy.
Top Three Classic Family Card Games -
Why not talk about what tomorrow’s adventures will be while you are playing. As I have said many times to coaches, have plan in place before hand or you will lose their attention quickly!
Ask them about how they feel with what’s going on as well.
And because we are missing all our sports right now, except NFL free agency, why not a sports movie! Hoosiers can cure some of the basketball blues for those that are missing out on NCAA March Madness. For those that are suffering like me without baseball, how about Field of Dreams or The Sandlot! My favorite growing up was the documentary on PBS, Baseball! It’s now streaming free to help get us our baseball fix.
I hope some of this helps, at least provides a few minutes of distraction from the craziness that we are living in right now. Remember this soon will pass.
Stay healthy, stay active and keep washing those hands!
Kevin Delia
Director of Recreation
Borough of Rumson
Good Afternoon Parents,
We, here at Rumson Recreation, want to share some ideas to help our community get through this unprecedented time.
Now that most of us are home bound due to school closures and workplace restrictions, we would like to provide some suggestions to help families live within the world of social distancing.
On the bright side, these restrictions have provided an opportunity to spend quality time as a family. For some this may be a welcoming predicament; however, for others, it may not be so easy.
As we dive deeper into our self quarantines and government restrictions, we are planning on sending out some suggestions on a weekly basis to help those in need.
If you are one those that has it figured out and can provide some suggestions that might help, by all means, please reach out.
Follow us on social media as well, TWITTER and FACEBOOK , to catch some other activities and details from Rumson Recreation.
We wish everyone good health both physical and mental!
Now that we’re all stuck at home, it’s more important than ever to eat healthy. It’s hard to keep the kids from eating the unhealthy snacks (Girls Scout Cookies are my vice!). Smoothies are a quick, easy way to keep the fruits and vegetables in the daily routine. Here is a great list of options. Smoothie Recipes Your Kids Will Love -
Let the kids help make dinner! The sooner they learn how to help in the kitchen, the better it is for everyone, so why not start now. Teach them how to measure ingredients, if they are old enough, have them cut vegetables and consider showing them how to use the stove and oven properly. Here is a link for kid friendly meals. Cooking with Kids -
Being stuck in the house is not what most people want to do now with the weather becoming nicer by the day. It’s also hugely important to maintain your health during this outbreak. Instead of live streaming your workouts, try to take the family for a hike or get out for a bike ride together.
Of course we have Meadow Ridge Park and Fair Haven Fields right down the road but how about exploring what the Monmouth County Parks System has right over the Oceanic Bridge! Huber Woods and Hartshorne Woods Parks offer some longer distance hikes with some challenging terrain. You can also bring the bikes and ride the main trails. Be careful of the elevations, you might find it hard to pedal back up those hills!
Find the trail maps here and discover other local county parks using this link.
For those of you that plant your own vegetable gardens, it’s time to weed and turn that garden bed. I don’t suggest running to your local nursery store or garden center, but if you are ready to plant your early spring greens, now is the perfect time for arugula and spinach.
Have the kids help! This is another opportunity to get them outside and to spend some time with you. Here is a great link on planting some early spring vegetables. The Homestead Garden.
If you’re not the gardening type but want to get outside in the yard, pick up those sticks! Now is the time to do your spring cleanup. Make a game of it… who can get the most sticks, who can fill up the leaf barrel the quickest, etc. Anyway to get those gamers off the electronics, even for a little bit, will go a long way to keeping them healthy.
Remember the town has some policies regarding what can go to the curb for brush and grass pick up:
Brush is picked up loose at curbside January 1 – October 15. No collection after October 15. Do not bag brush. Please separate brush from any leaves. Brush and limbs only; cut into four (4) foot lengths. No more than 5 cubic yards at one time. No logs, stumps, sod, dirt, or tree contractor debris.
There is no grass collection in Rumson. We subscribe to a "cut it and leave it" philosophy. This saves money and contributes to the environment.
Not every day is going to be nice enough to go outside so here are some ideas for those rainy, cold spring days.
Rearrange a room! You know you liked doing this as kid, so did I! Help the kids lay out how they can move the furniture in their bedrooms. It’s a welcome distraction to what’s going on outside of the home.
Give them a tape measure and have them figure out how their bed, dressers, nights stands, etc will fit in their rooms.
Lay out the room on paper and calculate the total square footage of the room and go piece by piece to make it fit on the paper. If they’re like me start moving things and figure it out as you go!
If that’s too easy, paint it! Take on a room to paint this weekend. Again not suggesting running off to the paint supply store, they are open, but if you have the supplies get after it! What else do have to do this weekend and is there a rush to get it done, not really. Let those kids help, here some suggestions on proper painting techniques if you’re not that experienced.
How to paint a room like a pro ... according to the pros themselves -
How about taking on cleaning out the garage! Time to organize all the stuff that just got left there over during the winter months. Here are some great tips for cleaning and ideas for storage.
Tips for Getting Your Garage Clean and Organized -
If you happen across some recreation gear drop it off in the front lobby of Rumson Borough Hall when time permits.
Of course there is that time at night, after dinner and when everyone is exhausted from all the fun you had during the day light hours, what then?
How about a card game with the whole family. Dust off those playing cards. Probably best to leave the gambling games for when you can get back to your men’s only nights! Here some ideas for the entire family to enjoy.
Top Three Classic Family Card Games -
Why not talk about what tomorrow’s adventures will be while you are playing. As I have said many times to coaches, have plan in place before hand or you will lose their attention quickly!
Ask them about how they feel with what’s going on as well.
And because we are missing all our sports right now, except NFL free agency, why not a sports movie! Hoosiers can cure some of the basketball blues for those that are missing out on NCAA March Madness. For those that are suffering like me without baseball, how about Field of Dreams or The Sandlot! My favorite growing up was the documentary on PBS, Baseball! It’s now streaming free to help get us our baseball fix.
I hope some of this helps, at least provides a few minutes of distraction from the craziness that we are living in right now. Remember this soon will pass.
Stay healthy, stay active and keep washing those hands!
Kevin Delia
Director of Recreation
Borough of Rumson