Recreation Programs
All Rumson Recreation sports programs conduct open registrations prior to each season. All registrations, regardless of payment type, must have an affiliated on-line League Apps Family Account set up.
Credit Card transactions may be completed on line.
Cash/Check transaction must be accompanied by a paper Registration Form and delivered to
Rumson Borough Hall
80 East River Road, Rumson NJ
Paper registration forms can be found in the front lobby of Rumson Borough Hall. Check payments are payable to Rumson Recreation. Do not mail or use the Borough drop box for Cash transactions. Payment is due at the time of registration. Registrations are not complete until payment is made.
Announcments of new registrations will be advertised on the Rumson Rec website, on the Rumson Recreation Facebook page, via our @RumsonRec Twitter account, on the Community Bulletin Boards, and through the Rumson Public Schools, RCDS, and Holy Cross.
What are the four open registration periods and the available sports?
Spring: January 1st - January 31st
Summer: March 1st - May 31st
Fall: June 1st - July 15th
Winter: October - December
Crew Winter Conditioning