Many a ghoul, ghost, goblin and superhero found their way to Riverside Park on Sunday for the Borough’s annual Halloween Parade. Perfect weather and lots of treats awaited the Rumson families for what proved to be a memorable day. A huge THANK YOU is in order for some great people who made the event a success, specifically the Rumson PTO, RFH Key Club, 7th & 8th grade volunteers as well as the Rec Commission’s Jon Levine, Kerry Chandler and Irene DellBeneHall.
The event kicked off with a (slightly) frightening mix of Halloween music top get things underway. Soon after, the participants entered the costume contest, providing a difficult challenge for the Key Club judges, as the costumes were all tremendous. The highlight for many of the costumed-clad kiddies was the Halloween Egg Hunt in which two thousand candy or toy filled eggs were quickly gobbled up.
After the hunting, those who were brave enough willingly ventured through the legendary haunted trail. They encountered some scary sights and sounds including live (friendly) monsters, bats, skeletons spiders and much more along the way. Remarkably, everyone was able to escape the haunted trail in one piece.
As a reward for those who survived the trail, the children were given a gift bag with some spooky and delicious treats, including a gift card to legendary sweet spot Crazie’s Ice Cream. Afterwards, they were able to enjoy some more great giveaways and fun thanks to the support of the Rumson PTO.
Halloween Parade Costume Contest
The Recreation Department truly appreciates everyone who helped or came to enjoy the festivities. After much deliberation and debate, the costume contest winners are below. The judges were RFH volunteers (so don’t yell at the Rec Dept.)! While everyone looked amazing, the winners chosen were:
Pre K and Younger: Dagner, The Shark
Kindergarten-1st Grade: Beckett Payne
2nd & 3rd Grade: Jack “The Crazy Clown” Murphy
4th Grade & up: Emmy Coggshall
Group: The Ghostbusters Gang
Halloween House Decorating Contest
This year saw an incredible competition, featuring more than 15 homes across The Borough. It was great to not only see the creativity of the families, but the excitement to work together on a family project!
With a record-breaking 700+ votes, the winners of the 2021 Halloween House Decorating Contest are:
13 Fair Haven Rd
One Church Street
14 Hartshorne Lane
Thank you to all our participating families!
AND Thank you for a great Halloween!