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Rumson Rec

Rumson PTO & The Community Show Incredible Generosity

The Rumson PTO continued their streak of excellence as they organized a Winter Clothing Drive with great success. The donations seemed to be endless as two large trucks were filled with coats, hats, boots and lots of other winter apparel. It is estimated that more than 700 items were donated, which far exceeded the expectations.

The clothing will soon find its way to the backs of local families that will immediately benefit from the kindness of the Rumson residents. Lori Rongetti spearheaded the efforts collaborating with Lunchbreak in Red Bank as the recipient.

In true Rumson fashion, this was a cooperative effort across the Borough. Not only did the PTO do such an outstanding job, several Forrestdale and RFH students volunteered to make the boxes and organize the donations.

It is such a pleasure to see acts of kindness like this, particularly during the holiday season and at a time in which many families are having difficulties. Rongetti summed up the experience well as she noted, “It was amazing to see how the community and our volunteer Rumson School students came together to help those in need during the holidays and we are honored to have the Rumson PTO lead in the effort"

This community effort reiterates the endless kindness that Rumson residents have shown many times. More importantly, hundreds of local families will soon enjoy the benefits of warm clothes for the winter season. The PTO is grateful to all those who were able to make a contribution.

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